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These dragon facts are all courtesy of Chicklette!

Chinese Dragons

There are nine major types of Chinese dragons.
 These include the horned dragon,the winged dragon, the celestial dragon (which supports and protects the mansions of the gods), the spiritual dragon (which generates wind and rain for the benefit of mankind), the dragon of hidden treasures (which keeps guard over concealed wealth), the coiling dragon (which lives in water), and the yellow dragon (which once emerged from water and presented the legendary Emperor Fu Shi with the elements of writing).
The last of the nine is the dragon king, which actually consists of four separate dragons, each of which rules over one of the four seas, those of the east, south,west, and north.

Dragon Superstitions

1.Soldiers believed that a sword dipped in Dragons blood, made wounds that would never heal.
2.A bath in Dragons blood helped people see into the future.
3.A Dragons breath was poisonous just one puff could kill a soldier.
4.A Dragons tooth used to bring good luck.
5.People believed that Dragon fat made good eye ointment.
6.Some people even said that if Dragons teeth were sown in the ground they would grow into fighting soldiers.
7.Some Dragon slayers kept the heads and tails of Dragons they had killed to show how brave they had been.

Dragon Types and Habitats

Here's your dragon fact for the week everyone. This week is about type of western dragons and where they would live. Keep in mind that there are way more other type of dragons out there and these are only a few. The following are the Good Dragons.

Brass Dragons: Sandy desert regions are the typical habitat of the highly intelligent brass dragons. They are quite forward and officious and they love to talk. They are rather selfish. These dragons are large in size, up to 30 feet in length. The breath weapon of these dragons is either a cone of sleeping gas, or a billowing cloud of gas that causes fear.

Bronze Dragons: Dwell in subterranean lairs near substantial bodies of water such as lakes and oceans. Despite their love of wealth, they are basically of beneficent nature. They often assume the form of some animal in order to observe the affairs of humans. The Bronze dragon are larger than the Brass dragons. They reach up to 42 feet in length. There are two breath weapons the dragons employ. They either use a bolt of lightning or a gas of repulsion.

Copper Dragons:They prefer to inhabit arid rocky regions, liking warmer climate in which to locate their lair. These highly intelligent dragons tend to be rather selfish. The average length of a copper dragon is 36 feet long and may use 2 different breath weapons. The first one is a cone of acid or they can use a cloud of gas that causes lethargy.

Gold Dragons:They are able to dwell in any climate but their lairs are always of solid stone whether a cave or a castle. Although they love precious metals and gems and use jewels and pearls as nourishment, all gold dragons are lawful, just and good. They are able to assume the form of animals or the guise of humanity, for they can polymorph themselves without harm. It is in this form that they are typically encountered. They are 54 feet long and their intelligence level would be considered as genius. The breath weapon of the gold dragons is either a cone of fire, or a cone of chlorine gas.

Silver Dragons:These dragons select mountain peaks, clouds and similar locales in which to establish their abode. It is claimed that this dragon can be found in the home of the King of Good Dragons as well as behind other winds as well. Like gold dragons, these creatures are able to polymorph themselves in order to appear as an animal or human. They are 48 feet in length and are considered to have exceptional intelligence. The breath weapon of silver dragons is either a cone of frost, or a cloud of paralyzing gas.

Platinum Dragons also known as Bahamut: The King of Good dragons. Bahamut the platinum dragon dwells in a great fortified palace behind the east wind. About one quarter of the time he roams the earth in the guise of human or nearly any other form he chooses for Bahamut is able to shape change freely. He can travel astrally or ethereally. He is the longest in length of all the good dragons measuring 72 feet long and is considered to be supra genius in intelligence. There are seven huge ancient gold dragons of highest abilities and loyalty who serve as guards, companions, and advisers to Bahamut. He seldom is without them. He has 3 forms of breath weapons to choose from, a cone of cold, a cloud of vapor which causes persons to lose their substance and assume a gaseous form or a sonic vibration which will cause disintegration.

 Types and Habitats 2 "
Here's your dragon fact for the week folks. This week are some of the evil dragons. Enjoy ^.^
Evil Dragons
Black Dragons: The black dragon is typically found in marshes and swamps, although they may be found in subterranean lairs, for they always seek to lair in deep dark caves. The dragon is 30 feet long and has average intelligence. The breath weapon of the dragon is the spitting of acid.
Green Dragons: The race of green dragons prefer to locate their underground lairs in or near woods or forests of the bleaker, wilder sorts if possible. They are very nasty tempered and thoroughly evil. They have average intelligence and are 36 feet in length. The breath weapon of the green dragon is a cloud of poisonous chlorine gas.
Red Dragons: The red dragon is usually found dwelling in great hills or mountainous regions. They make their caves in subterranean caves and similar places. They are very greedy and avaricious. Of all the evil dragons, this sort is the worst. They are 48 feet in length and possess exceptional intelligence. The breath weapon of the red dragon is a cone of fire.
" Types and Habitats 2 "
White Dragons: White dragons favor chilly or cold regions to dwell. They lair in icy caves or deep subterranean places. Although not as intelligent as other dragons, they are as evil and greedy as any. They have low to average intelligence and are only 24 feet in length. The breath weapon of the white dragon is a cone of frost.
Chromatic Dragons known also as Tiamat: Tiamat rules the first plane of the Nine Hells where she spawns all of evil dragon kind. She hates all good as fiercely as she loves cruelty and hoards wealth. She is seldom outside her lair, but occasionally she comes to earth to place a new dragon or to seek more treasure. She can travel astrally or ethereally. Although her sheer size prevents claw attacks, Tiamat can bite with all five of her heads and sting with her tail at the same time, breath with one or more of these heads or cast spells with one or more heads at the same time. Tiamats heads are white, black, green, blue and red. Her breath weapons correspond to the color of each head. Each head of Tiamat can regenerate. The regeneration takes a full day. When encountered in her lair, Tiamat will always have five consorts/guards with her - one huge adult ancient male dragon of the white, black, green, blue and red dragons. She is a genius in intelligence level and she is 60 feet long.

04/03/2003 " Types and Habitats 3 "
OK here's your dragon fact for the week. This is the last of the types and habitats. Enjoy ^.^
Neutral Dragons
Sapphire Dragons: The Sapphire dragons control the subterranean domains. While most of the territory above the realms belongs to the Emerald dragons, they keep a small portion of the surface area as their own as well as the extensive caverns beneath the tropical jungles. Of all dragon kind, perhaps the Sapphire dragon are the most militaristic. They protect their territory from outsiders, going as far as to distrust everyone who even comes close to their borders. Giant spiders make up most of the Sapphire dragons diet. While militaristic and warlike in nature, they are not quick to attack. They like to observe the intruder so they can formulate the best way to deal with them. The breath weapon for the Sapphire dragon is a cone of high pitched, almost inaudible sound.
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04/03/2003 " Types and Habitats 3 "
Emerald Dragons: Emerald dragons live among the tropical southern waters. They are a curious species, taken to keeping track of history, lore and customs. They tend to be very reclusive. Emerald dragons love privacy so far as to determine where the dragons lords and their spawn establish their lairs. Emerald dragons build their domains around inactive volcano ranges. Emerald dragons are not finicky eaters. They do prefer lizards and giants, but they will eat anything in a pinch. Emerald dragons get along best with Sapphire dragons and they fear the red dragon because of their greed. The breath weapon of an Emerald dragon is a loud wail that sends sonic vibrations through the enemy.
Topaz Dragons: These dragons inhabit the temperate coastal regions, building their lairs below the water line, constructing them to remain very dry. They do not like the water, but will swim to hunt, attack or to reach their lairs, but not for enjoyment. They love to eat fish and other seafood. Their favorite is the giant squid. While not malicious, these dragons are not the best of company nor to deal with. They display erratic behavior which is confusing and unsettling. Unless it specifically interests or affects them, Topaz dragons tend to be indifferent to the causes and concerns that occupy the rest of the dragon kind. It takes time to develop a friendship with these dragons...but once formed, it's a lifetime friendship. The breath weapon of the Topaz dragon is a cone of dehydratio
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04/03/2003 " Types and Habitats 3 "
Crystal Dragons: These friendly dragons of the north spend much time learning about the world around them. While solitary in nature, they welcome visitors who come by to them with good intentions. These dragons establish their domains in the cold northern reaches, building their castles out of snow and ice. The White Dragons consider the Crystal Dragons as prey, so the two clans are constantly in conflict. Like other benevolent dragons, the Crystal dragons would rather talk than fight. Metal ores and gems are the preferred food of these dragons. The breath weapon of the Crystal dragon is a cone of glowing shards.
Amethyst Dragons: The most powerful of the neutral dragons. They are honorable and regal dragons. They inhabit northern mountains, living on the shores of isolated lakes and pools. They approach life with a detached air, ignoring the conflicts of good and evil. They see these conflicts as petty squabbles over inconsequential points of view. While Amethyst dragons consider their Silver and Copper cousins to be foolish and have an active dislike of red and white dragons, they don't consider any life form to be their inherent enemies. Amethyst dragons eat large quantities of fish and gems. Most keep at least one hidden underwater cave for seclusion and secrecy. The breath weapon of the Amethyst dragon is a faceted, violet lozenge, spit at 75 feet, explodes with concussion force damaging creatures near the explosion

Some facts "
Sorry it's taken so long for me to post your dragon fact for the week. Anyway I have a couple of facts. Not much, but it is quite interesting.
The dragon fears nothing except the elephant with whom he will engage in battle, entwining himself around the elephant and inflicting fatal blows. However, as the elephant finally collapses, his fall crushes the dragon to death.
The dragon is the enemy of the sun and the moon, both in Eastern and Western mythology, and is believed to be responsible for eclipses. These occur when the dragon is attempting to swallow either of the heavenly bodies; which accounts for the dragons appearance in primitive astronomy.
That's it for this week hope you liked it ^.^

Yin and Yang "
This week I've jumped back to chinese dragons. Enjoy ^.^
Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that everything in the Universe is made up of forces called the Yin and Yang. They used this philosophy to understand why nature worked in opposite (opposing) ways. The idea of Yin and Yang is represented as a circle of two curved and equal parts.
The Yang section is the warm, positive, masculine, and sunny side, often colored red and white. Chinese Dragons also represent this side, because most dragons were thought to be all male. The Yin side is black, and is described as feminine, mysterious, dark and negative. The Yin was known to be a Phoenix, which is believed to be the female form and the preferred mate of the dragon.
The ancient Chinese philosophers believed that all things in the Universe contained elements of both Yin and Yang. When Yin and Yang worked in harmony, all was good in the world. But when one was stronger than the other, the balance of the harmony and power changed and life was unpredictable. With the brute strength of the dragons, and the passive strength of the Phoenix, it makes sense for them to be on opposite sides of the circle. Also with them being mates, they balance each others worlds and the worlds of the ancient Chinese people.
Well that's it. As of now I'll be posting a fact every two weeks. I promise they'll be great facts though .

" Sightings "
Ok here's your dragon fact everyone. I'm sorry it's a little late. These are some actual sightings observed by knights errant, historians and naturalists. From Pre Christian times until the late 17th century when dragons roamed Europe. Enjoy ^.^
1. Scandinavia: As recorded in 1572, a dragon inhabited the area north of Lapland; so desolate was the region that the creature was reduced to a diet of mice.
2. London, England: On November 30, 1222, dragons were seen over the city; the flight preceded - and may have caused - thunderstorms and severe flooding.
3. Henham, Essex, England: An amphiptere nine feet long was discovered on a hillock near the town in 1669. The terrifying serpent remained in the area for some months but inflicted no actual harm.
4. Ireland: According to legends, Tristan of Lyonesse slew a dragon here in the 11th century. The commentator Giraldus Cambrensis, however, announced in 1188 that Ireland was free of all dragons, possibly because of the intervention of Saint Patrick in the 5th Century.
5. Provence, France: A dragon called the Drac inhabited the Rhone River throughout the 13th Century; the town of Draguignan was named for it, although the worst attacks seemed to have occurred in Beaucaire.
6. Isle Ste. Marguerite, France: This island off the French coast sheltered a dragon during much of the Middle Ages; because of the beast's ferocity, it was often confused with the Tarasque, although, unlike the Tarasque, it had wings.

05/21/2003 " Sightings con't "
Ok everyone here's the rest of the dragon fact from two weeks ago. Enjoy ^.^
7. Drachenfels, Germany: Some time before a fortress was built here in the 12th Century, this mountain hid a dragon that subsisted, it was said, on a diet of young women.
8. Sanctogoarin and Neidenburg Germany: The naturalist Edward Topsell wrote in 1608 that Sanctogoarin was plagued by a dragon whose flights caused fires; the dragon of Neidenburg poisoned wells by bathing in them.
9. Bonn, Germany: The Italian naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi had in his collection a lindworm killed near Bonn in 1572.
10. Switzerland: Christopher Schorer. the Prefect of the canton of Solothurn, reported the sightings of a winged mountain dragon near Lucerne in 1619, as well as an encounter in 1654 between a hunter and a dragon. The latter retreated with a rustling of scales into its mountain den.
11. Rome, Italy: The Historia naturalist of Pliny the Elder reported that a dragon killed on Vatican Hill during the reign of Emperor Claudius (died in 54 A.D.) contained the body of a child; centuries later, in 1660, the German Athanatius Kircher examined a dragon killed near the city. He commented on its unusual webbed feet.
12. Kiev, Russia: As recorded in the byliny - legends of heroes - dating from the 11th Century, a dragon called Gorynych terrorized this region for years before the hero Dobrynja slew it. 

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