Dragon Shadows Guild
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Important Guild Stuff

You must have at least 10 posts on the message board and have been a member for at least one month to make a wish!
Only Members of Dragon Shadows Guild will be Granted wishes.
Please do not join just to make a wish.
New Members wishes may take a while to be granted.


You have reached the Dragon Stone!

Close your eyes, think hard.
 Open them now.
Now you should be ready to make a wish.
Just neomail swordfire, and anxiously await your fate.

The Dragon Stone was created to aid members of Dragon Shadows Guild. Whether you have a difficult quest to master, need a codestone to better your pet, or maybe need that one last piece of map the Dragon Stone will help wherever possible.

*Disclaimer-Anyone under 12 without a permission form cannot receive items so Dragon Stone will not work for you.
Also, requests must be limited to one per member per month.


The Dragon Stone has come about as a result of the generous donations of members.
We appreciate all donations, and we hope to keep the Dragon Stone running for a long time.


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We invite you to visit us Dragon Shadow Guild. Our members come from all over Neopia, and they are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the organization and how you can make the most out of your membership.

Dragon Shadows Guild